IMBOLC CELEBRATION February 7, 7pm at Imago


The year’s first of the cross quarter Celtic holidays, Imbolc, celebrates
the approaching end of winter – returning of the light. It begins the theme
of the cycle of growth that carries through the year.  We notice the
stirring of the new seed in the cold dark soil – the growth in nature is
happening but below the surface – in the root system.

We humans are also transitioning from the dark winter of silence and rest
deep within ourselves.  At this time we begin over dreams for the coming
year.  At Imbolc we see these plans.  These resolutions begin further
development.  It is time for us to awaken from sleep.

The movement is not upward at Imbolc it is down.  The movement is into the
roots within us.  These roots support and nurture later growth.  We take the
time to put roots into that which sustains us and learn who and what is
there to feed us.

In the eco-village and Imago, we imagine the growth of our efforts to build
and nurture a sustainable society.  What is growing in you?  Do you
recognize it or am I hidden in the mystery.

DATE: Saturday, February 4th at 7pm
LOCATION: At the Imago Earth Center
NO CHARGE, but if you can, bring a snack or drink to share.
Featured by Amy Tuttle, Alexa Henry, Deborah Jordan, Jill Korach and Eileen

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